IVQ in Skills Certificate in Health and Safety by City & Guilds

The Skills Certificate in Health and Safety reflects the importance of maintaining health and safety standards in the workplace. It is designed to support the skills and knowledge developed in International Vocational Qualifications and provides a broad introduction to the theory and practical side of health and safety for any person in a work environment. The content of the qualification reflects the international nature of the knowledge, skills and activities needed for different countries or cultures.

Who is this qualification for?

•    These basic health and safety qualifications are suitable for those working in a wide range of roles and industries worldwide.
•    Level 1 is suitable for candidates from different backgrounds, with different employment and training experiences. They will usually have no, or very little, formal knowledge of health and safety procedures in the workplace.

What does the qualification cover?

•    understanding your responsibilities for health and safety
•    practicing health and safety in the workplace,
•    keeping procedures under review.

What opportunities for progression are there?
This qualification does not lead to any specific role but is extremely useful for employees in any role or industry.

Entry Requirements
Candidates should have a reasonable level of English language and literacy skills.

Age restrictions

The expected minimum age limit attached to candidates undertaking the qualification is 18 unless there is a requirement by local, regional, or national law

To achieve the Skills Certificate in Health and Safety by City & Guilds candidates must be successful in the following assessment.
[1100-01-001] Health and Safety Practice.

Unit numbers
10 01 Understanding health and safety – The aim of this module is to introduce candidates to:
a.    safe working within their own area of work
b.    the recognition of risks and hazards.
12 02 Using safe working practices – The aim of this section is to introduce candidates to:
a.    safe working within their own area of work
b.    taking action to prevent and report risks and hazards
14 03 Developing health and safety procedures – The aim of this section is to introduce the candidate to:
a.    employee’s responsibility for keeping health and safety procedures under review
b.    employers’ responsibility for keeping health and safety procedures under review
c.    the role of external organisations in health and safety.

Assessment of underpinning knowledge
The knowledge requirements in this programme are tested by asking questions during the assessment to verify that the candidate understands the reasons why a particular activity is being performed. Questions may be asked during, or at the end of an assessment.
Candidates wishing to gain the full award must successfully demonstrate all of the practical competencies at least once in a real or simulated work environment.

Assessment process 
Time Constraints:

The assessments may be held at any time agreed by the instructor and the candidate so that each candidate has a personal record of his/her practical assessments.

We grade practical and coursework assessments as pass or fail.

If candidates successfully finish all the requirements for a full certificate, they will automatically receive the appropriate certificate.

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